
We strive to provide comprehensive services and unique technological solutions responsibly and professionally. We take into account the needs and expectations of our customers and constantly improve the quality of our services.


Installation, dismantling and rental of various scaffolding systems. Scaffolding inspection and testing.

Lining and fireproof linings

Installation, dismantling, repair of masonry, monolithic, etc. refractories, burner design, materials and inspection.

Shotcrete and shotcrete linings

Dry or wet shot blasting of surfaces of any shape and position.

Cleaning various surfaces

Cleaning of metal, concrete, etc. surfaces with abrasives, high-pressure water, mechanical grinding, etc.

Concrete repair and surface protection

We provide professional concrete repair and protection services that help restore surface strength and protect against environmental impact and abrasion.

Chemically resistant and anti-corrosion systems

We offer reliable chemical-resistant and anti-corrosion systems designed to protect industrial equipment and ensure its durability in extreme conditions.

Cleaning of energy equipment

We clean energy equipment, ensuring their efficient operation and longer service life.

Rubber coating of internal surfaces of tanks

Covering the internal surfaces of tanks with rubber sheets to protect the metal from particularly aggressive media.

Hazardous waste and asbestos management

Collection and removal of hazardous waste for final disposal. Dismantling and removal of waste containing asbestos for final disposal.

Do you have any questions or are you looking for a reliable partner for your project? Contact us - our team is ready to help.